
Many Hands Make Light Work

Volunteers help make Rainbow Village the organization it is. With the Support of Volunteers, we’re able to keep our facility a top of the line community for our residents. Support from community volunteers also allows us to maintain a lower operating cost and allow residents to have more interaction with peers through workshops and mentorship.

Areas of Assistance

We are always looking for volunteers in the following areas: Facilities and Grounds Support, Meal Preparation & Service, Adult Programming, Youth Programming and Administration Support. Internships are also  available for some of these areas. Interest in becoming an intern? Click Here to view our internship opportunities.

If you’re interested in learning more about what kind of support you’d be providing in these areas, you can watch videos about each area here.

Volunteer Requirements

Individual Rainbow Village volunteers complete the contact form below and must register to attend an interest meeting before being eligible to signup for specific volunteer events or opportunities. Interest meetings are held quarterly.

Rainbow Village is unable to accommodate court ordered volunteer services at this time.  For further assistance contact Gwinnett County Community Service at 678-277-0900

Interested in group opportunities for your organization? Please contact info@RainbowVillage.org